Sunday, June 20, 2010


Hi. Do you know what is the real meaning of love. This supertrue story will tell you. :D I heard this story in church today..It is true!
(I don't know if its Jin or Jing Yao. Sorry)

There was this boy named Zhou Jin Yao. At first his surname was Shu, his first father's surname was Shu, so he was Shu Jin Yao last time. But when he was born the parents hired a fortune teller to come and tell the fortune of Jin Yao. The fortune teller said that if the parents gave away Jin Yao, then Jin Yao would grow happily and healthily. So the parents gave Jin Yao away to a childless couple whose surname was Zhou. When Jin Yao was 13 years old, he was about to go to school when he tripped over a stone and fell. He injured his right knee. But he thought that it was nothing much to care about so he just continued walking to school. When you walk, your knee will always move. So when Jin Yao walked, his wound was moving and moving. One day, two days, three days, four days passed...on the fourth day, Jin Yao's wound had taken a turn for the worse and Jin Yao could not walk. His father and his uncle took him to the doctor on a stretcher or bed or something. The doctor said that he couldn't help Jin Yao, the only person that could help Jin Yao was Dr David, who's working in a hospital. Dr David is a caucasian. So the father took Jin Yao to see Dr David, but at that time, Dr David was not around! Dr David and his wife were visiting their daughter for three months. So Jin Yao was admitted to the hospital, and stayed there for three months until Dr David came back. When Dr David came back, Jin Yao's wound was already more than an inch long. It was very big. But no matter how much medicine that was applied to Jin Yao's wound, it would not heal and close up. It grew very big. So, the only way to make Jin Yao's wound heal is to take skin from somebody else and then sew it back onto Jin Yao's wound. But there were two problems. Dr David had not done this before, he had only read about it. So he was not sure if it would turn out correctly. And, who would donate the skin? Not his parents, because if one of them would have to have their skin cut off, then they couldn't take care of Jin Yao! So, who? In the end, Dr David's wife donated the skin. But even that was a failure. Jin Yao's wound rejected Dr David's wife's skin. The skin dropped out after it was sewed on Jin Yao's wound. So Dr David had to use Jin Yao's own skin to patch up that wound. So Dr David cut off some skin from Jin Yao's butt and then sewed it on to his wound. That worked. So, remembering that long incident in his childhood, Jin Yao grew up to be a person who talks to people about Jesus.


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